Subject: Re: Lysenko Business Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:56:57 -0500 I assume that he is referring to the Soviet biologist T. L. Lysenko, who "with the approval of the Communist Party, declared the accepted Medelian theory erroneous. This led to the banishment of many outstanding Soviet scientists" (_The_Cambridge_Encyclopedia_, 3rd ed.). The Medelian theory has to do with the genetic transfer of characteristics. In the passage from TaP, I gather that Foucault takes Lysenko's political move as an example of the innate relationship between power and knowledge. David Brockman Graduate Student, Theological Studies Brite Divinity School (Texas Christian University) -----Original Message----- From: Nuri Ozturk <> To: <> Date: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 1:51 PM Subject: Lysenko Business >Hi; >I am reading "Truth and Power" from Foucault Reader and Foucault was talking >about Lysenko Business. Does anybody know what is "Lysenko Business"? >Thanks > >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at >
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