File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 63

Subject: RE: Information
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 17:03:53 +0100

People don't have identity cards in the United Kingdom. They might be
introduced when the European Union becomes more closely integrated, and some
people here consider this a reason to resist further integration.

> ----------
> From: 	Roxana Kreimer[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: 	29 September 1999 16:43
> To: 	foucault
> Subject: 	Information
> An article that appeared in a dossier of the french journal Liberation
> distinguishes the english tradition (that considers that the identity
> document given by de police attempts agaist democratic freedom) from the
> one that rules in France or in spanish-spoken Countries, where although in
> theory police cannot take you to the police station if they dondīt see you
> steeling, you must always carry your identity document along the street. I
> am writing an article for an argentine magazine, and I would be very
> gratefull if somebody can tell me if in english or german spoken languages
> you must carry your document along the street, just in case you have
> problems with the police. Thanks
> Roxana Kreimer


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