File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 68

Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 14:16:33 -0400
Subject: RE: Information

>People don't have identity cards in the United Kingdom. They might be
>introduced when the European Union becomes more closely integrated, and some
>people here consider this a reason to resist further integration.

Funny.  When the Anglo-Saxon system of domination is so overwhelmingly
dominating the world, and encroaching endlessly upon other cultures, there
are still people to fear FOR it.

More to the point, I'm not sure this is really useful to the original
person who asked the question, but the French also exported their "identity
carrying" laws to their colonies.

Mohammed Abouzaid

>> ----------
>> From: 	Roxana Kreimer[]
>> Reply To:
>> Sent: 	29 September 1999 16:43
>> To: 	foucault
>> Subject: 	Information
>> An article that appeared in a dossier of the french journal Liberation
>> distinguishes the english tradition (that considers that the identity
>> document given by de police attempts agaist democratic freedom) from the
>> one that rules in France or in spanish-spoken Countries, where although in
>> theory police cannot take you to the police station if they dondt see you
>> steeling, you must always carry your identity document along the street. I
>> am writing an article for an argentine magazine, and I would be very
>> gratefull if somebody can tell me if in english or german spoken languages
>> you must carry your document along the street, just in case you have
>> problems with the police. Thanks
>> Roxana Kreimer


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