File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 75

Subject: RE: Information
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:39:47 -0300

Thank you all for the new information about the identification card. I live
in a country that has had military goberments for decades, so I hope you can
understand why I ask these new questions about the same subject:

Here, in Argentina, when you go for example to a newspaper, or to any great
business firm, or to a state department, or even to a library, to get in or
to borrow a book, you need to show your identification card. All of you that
live in the commonwealth countries enter to all these places without showing
anything? And in a bank, to have the money of a check, what do you show?
Here you cannot have the money if you donīt identifie yourself with the
identification card.

Other military uses: each day at school kids stand in line as militars and
sing a military song to the flag. They walk in lines, as in the army.
Military discipline is in kidīs everyday life.

I will regret new information. It is too obvious to say it, but this is a
Foucaultian subject


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