File spoon-archives/foucault.archive/foucault_1999/foucault.9909, message 9

Subject: RE: Resistance
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 21:17:53 -0700


Don't think that talk of resistance isn't everywhere, it is.  I'm reminded
of a poem by Artaud; concerning himself with this impossible effort of
expression, the space between words and  concepts, his 'various states of
[his] mind' which, despite many people telling him he expressed himself
perfectly, he found as being in front of the infinite. What Foucault means
by resistance transcends the socio-political, everything that eminates from
this question, 'what is resistance?'  Think of a micro-physics of
resistance, a formation/deformation, an unfolding, a deterritorialization of
the territory, the terain if you like. There is always this singularity of
the author that we should try to remain faithful to, even in philosophy, an
attempt to go beyond language, the language that exists, the language of the
other, hence the recent oversaturation of neologisms, many times
unnecessary. Rethink this word resistance as a concept created by Foucault,
not what you believe it to be.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of heidi
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 12:26 PM
Subject: Resistance

hello all - am wondering if anyone can point me to the
articles/texts/interviews where foucault addresses the notion of
resistance (i can only find two very short passages). any suggestions on
other literature examining Foucault's use and/or paucity of theorizing

any/all help greatly appreciated!



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