File spoon-archives/frankfurt-school.archive/frankfurt-school_1999/frankfurt-school.9905, message 43

Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 21:32:49 +0100
From: simon smith <>
Subject: Re: Ernst Bloch on Jazz, Kitsch and Colportage

In article <>, Ralph Dumain
<> writes
>>The critique of Jazz, the jitterbug, is just that it facilitates >the
>reduction of body to a machine, just as it simulates its >liberation.  This
>is jazz as I have heard it. 
>This is to prove only what a pathetic, vapid shit you are.  There is, of
>course, no content whatever in this utterance; just a quotation of
>authority.  Yet what is at issue here is who has authority in these matters
>and on what basis.

(other abuse snipped)

I have not personally insulted you once. Academic discussion as personal
aggression, the use of language as a weapon, is as far as I can imagine
from the spirit of the Frankfurt School, and its refusal is integral to
the work of both Adorno and Benjamin. I felt strongly against jazz well
before I read Adorno and went into a critique of his ideas. I really
don't see what place pugilism has on this list. It was one of the things
I hoped to escape from when I subscribed. I have got myself embroiled in
internet 'flame wars' before and have resolved 'never again!'. Ego self-
preservation and the rage of self against other always takes over.

La de da. You will be pleased or not to know that I will be deleting
your obnoxious posts from now on.  


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