File spoon-archives/frankfurt-school.archive/frankfurt-school_1999/frankfurt-school.9906, message 37

Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 09:28:05 -0500
From: shandley <>
Subject: RE: music (Adorno autonomously)

Simon wrote:
>I also
>find the music that Adorno allowed some saving grace - Beethoven and
>others - quite discredited now, a celebration of the division of labour
>that created Culture as a separate domain in the first place.

>Simon Smith

How and when were Beethoven and Vienna II "discredited"?  How do they 
celebrate the division of labor, any more OR any less, let's say, than female 
back-up singers' (or ANY back-up singers') relation to the "featured" singer?  
And when did "white" music "die" (I direct this question to Ralph Dumain)?  I 
love dub AND Vienna 2; black music, too, was and is a source of inspiration 
for me.  Consequently I find it difficult to take for granted the demise or 
utter failure of any of these musics IN THE PAST TENSE.  Can someone set me 


P.S.  If I accidently sent a previous e.mail re: interdisciplinarity to the 
list, I apologize; that was unintentional.


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