File spoon-archives/french-feminism.archive/french-fem_1995/french-fem_Oct.95, message 9

Date:         Tue, 03 Oct 95 20:35:56 CDT
Subject:      this sex ...

i like these first few paragraphs, but how does this vision grapple with male
homosexuality (or can that be positioned as a critique of the vision of
masculine desire embodied by the self-enfolding phallic desire).  if the female
 sex becomes a reversion to masculine self-identification rather than the
object of masculine sexuality, then power functions in completely different
ways than we would previously envision.  sex-cum-power is purely a matter of
inscription: how you can call and label the other something like the subject...
 how the female sexual organs become subjects in their object positions.
if it is true that clitoral and vaginal desire are merely reflections of
masculine desire on itself, then masculine desire doesn't make sense, doesn't
exist without sex-cum-woman ... i am still not sure



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