File spoon-archives/french-feminism.archive/french-feminism_1997/97-02-05.141, message 107

Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 09:26:03 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Translating Irigaray

For Karin Montin,
Translation Theory literature abounds with articles on precisely the topic you 
've identified: in fact, there's a twenty-odd year debate on the topic of 
whether we should let the strangeness of the original show through or try to 
normalise and make native the text.  You could start with Lawrence Venuti's 
work.  There's a recent article by him called "Translation, Philosophy, 
Materialism"in Radical Philosophy, no.79, Sept/ Oct 1996 pp24-34. Or you could 
read his "The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation", 1995, 
Routledge.  Journals with relevant articles would be Meta and Babel to name two 
obvious starting points.  You could get hooked on Translation Theory!
Best wishes, Maggie Gibbon, School of Applied Language and Intercultural 
Studies, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
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Subject: Translating Irigaray
Author:  french-feminism-AT-jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU at MAIL_GATEWAY
Date:    14/11/96 17:36

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I am thinking about writing a short article on translating Irigaray. I would 
discuss the ways various translators have rendered certain key terms (e.g., 
genealogie, genre, entre-femmes, sexue) in English.
(Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to get accents in Eudora.)
Is anybody interested in the way Irigaray and others are translated, or is a 
text read in translation simply accepted as if that was what the author 
wrote herself?
If you think the subject might be of interest to others, could you suggest 
journals I might query?
Karin Montin
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