File spoon-archives/french-feminism.archive/french-feminism_1997/97-03-25.044, message 174

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 20:18:01 -0500 (EST)
From: marsha chuk <chukm-AT-ERE.UMontreal.CA>
Subject: Re: Spam, Wonderful Spam!

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, don walter wrote:

> I don't really know how 'spam' got the particular denotation of many-copy,
> many-address, content-free e-mail. But since I also doubt that there's any
> way to be really certain about it, I'll give you my folklore derivation:
> it's a short word, which does invoke many copies and low content/nutritional
> value/taste/tastiness, sent to many APOs or similar addresses.

I know it was an army ration at one time. SPiced HAm, all the attributes 
and connotations of discarded porc by-products with a feeble attempt to 
make it palettable by adding spices and artificial flavour. Mass-produced 
to keep the soldier functioning, but not nourishing enough to promote 
egalitarian dialogue. A technical tool of power. ooops. Shall I go to the 
foucault list now?  

marsha chuk

			post tenebras spero lucem

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