File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1997/97-04-23.063, message 35

Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 16:19:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: HAB: Habermas and social action

In a message dated 20/03/97  18:31:24, you write:

 Kenneth MacKendric said:
 < [...the] distinction between facticity and validity is, in my opinion,
 the key to understanding Habermas - all else flows from there.  
 Can you, or anyone, elaborate? 
Habermas is a revolving door with no keys
Perhaps, it is the relationship between what is distinguished that is central
here. The idea that we do not encounter the facticity of a social reality
other than in and through the norms / oughts which saturate it's
coming-into-presence for us; and yet social reality to date does not, and
perhaps never will, fully realise the immanent norms that we unavoidably
presuppose in discussing its presence. 

Michael Salter

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