File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1997/97-04-23.063, message 5

Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 02:13:27 +0000 (HELP)
Subject: Re: HAB: Habermas and Science

For Habermas scienticism is the equivelant of Marcuse's
notion of one-dimensional thought, it connot the ideological
content (and political) of scientific reasoning in the realm
of the social sciences, arguing that it is far from
'value-neutral'. This is not the sAme as science. More
importantly I must argue that it is not worth getting
into a debate with the second hand literature until
you work on the grid in your mind, and I maintain that
the best way to do this  by going from A to Z in his
corpus. As a hermeneutic ecxercise it the best way
to follow the evolution in thought of any thinker.

Psul Sahni

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