File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1997/97-04-23.063, message 85

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 12:45:02 -0500 ()
From: Steve Chilton <>
Subject: HAB: Call for papers

Dear fellow list members:

Just returned from the 1997 annual meeting of the Midwest Political
Science Association, I'm realizing how successfully political
scientists have avoided dealing with the issue of the colonization
of the lifeworld.  If we listened only to them, we'd think that
everything was marching along happily in the neoliberal project:
indeed, "the end of ideology". So I thought, "Let's change that!"
and am accordingly organizing a panel on

"Colonization of the Lifeworld As a Force in the Political Future of
Industrialized Nations" 

for the 1998 MWPSA meeting, to be held in Chicago, April 23-25,
1998.  (The panel title is only for explanatory purposes here;  we
can invent something more catchy later.)  This message is to ask for
proposals to deliver a paper in such a panel.  If you're interested,
all I need at this point is an indication of serious intereest and
an informal description of what you'd like to talk about. You don't
have to be a political scientist to participate, but your paper /
panel presentation should touch on politics.
	The panel would also need a chair and discussant(s).  Let me
know if you're interested.

Whether or not you wish to participate, could you refer me to other
people I should contact?  Other relevant lists?

Please use the "From:" address instead of the "Reply to:" address
when you reply, so we're not all deluged with each other's

My apologies to those--probably many of you--who get this note via
both the Habermas and Frankfurt School lists.

Best to all,


| Stephen Chilton, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science |
|                University of Minnesota-Duluth / Duluth, MN 55812-2496 |
|                                                                       |
| 218-726-8162 (desk)     218-726-7534 (dept)     218-724-0979 (home)   |
| FAX:  218-726-6386               INTERNET:   |
|                                                                       |
| ""We are asked to conserve more, waste less.  However, capitalism     |
| itself is never challenged as a system that promotes and depends on   |
| wasteful consumption.  Ironically, capitalism shapes the false needs  |
| that we are chastised for attempting to satisfy.  Our lives are       |
| vacuous.  We are alienated in our work, in our communities, and in    |
| our ideas of nature.  We live within an economic system that depends  |
| on a poor underclass, a system that requires ever-new human and       |
| natural "resources" to survive.  Yet, again, no one questions whether |
| this system is inherently flawed.  Instead, the flaw is assumed to be |
| inherent within "human nature."                                       |
| 	-- Chaia Heller "For the Love of Nature"                        |

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