File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1997/97-04-23.063, message 93

Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 19:28:12 -0500 (CDT)
From: (Mari F. Wylie)
Subject: HAB: the goodship enlightenment

>From: (Mari F. Wylie)
>Subject: the goodship enlightenment
>Thank you Kenneth, 
>I was starting to get the impression that these philosophical positions
were existing on the fact it seemed to be a rather
perlocutionary margin where competition for interpretative power had taken
over the "cooperative discourse" that could help us all LEARN more about
Habermas and his positions.  I do realize that a good way to learn is to
disagree and back that with claims but an important part of that is
understanding what part of what is listened to might create an insight that
supports a reconstruction that everyone can reconsider. 
>I laughed this time.  A common normative ground is to lay claim to the
military metaphor.  The marriage of technology and war making and successful
military maneuver seemed to help the ascendancy of scientific "legitimacy".
You are back in the mainstream!  I wonder what the appropriation of
different metaphors might bring to the understanding.  
>But your engagement in "the story" revealed a personhood that extended
beyond the debate of ideas.  For reasons I probably need to work to
explicate, I appreciated that. 
>Thanks, peace and I hope, humility,
>Mari Wylie  

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