File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1997/97-04-23.063, message 94

Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 19:29:08 -0500 (CDT)
From: (Mari F. Wylie)
Subject: HAB: Re: the goodship enlightenment

>Date: 	Mon, 21 Apr 1997 10:27:43 -0400
>From: "kenneth.mackendrick" <>
>Subject: Re: the goodship enlightenment
>To: "Mari F. Wylie" <>
>Priority: Normal
>mari wylie,
>mainstream eh?  oh well - back to the drawing board.  :)
>thanks for the note.... laying claim to the military metaphor - made me
laugh.  the 
>idea came from the rerelease of das boot.  i had originally wanted to set
the stage 
>for a football game (the football teams of the enlightenment - with marx as
a kicker, 
>brecht as a cheerleader, and habermas as a linesman...) - but knowing
nothing of 
>the sport i realized quickly that wouldn't work.  i think my next piece
will be on a 
>deserted island (perhaps gilligan will make an appearance).
>i hadn't completely realized the conversations going on were so fringe.
>yes - but marginal no.  hmmmm... your probably right.  maybe next time i'll
>into a debate about the banking system - how the government, rather than the 
>private banks, should finance loans a .01% interest (as the law maintains
they can 
>do) with the interest paid going back into the public coffers, instead of
leaving it to 
>the private banks.....   let habermas chew on that.
>just anarchy,

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