Subject: Re: HAB: structure agency and social relations Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 11:30:43 -0500 Hi all: Some questions on system vs. life world. I'm not sure there is an exact parallel between system and life world and structure and action. While every system is probably a structure not every structure is a system. I think that the life world can have "structures" or institutions that have structural features. One example is the family. IT is only metaphorically a system.. Perhaps structures are recursive features of social action, that is elements that are self renewing or reproducing. Not every form of recursiveness is systematic in the sense that Habermas or Luhmann uses it, (i.e. reproduced thorough non communicative media of money and power. Couldn't some structural features be renewed though communicative means. Gidens has some interesting things to say about structures I think in some of his works. Would a comparison or examination be useful? Brian Caterino --- from list ---
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