File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1998/habermas.9802, message 18

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 15:59:14 EST
Subject: Re: HAB: post-Hegelian context and prescriptive                      thought

Well Mr Davis

this really is a bit rich in the context of a note supportive of Habermas.
I've had the mixed blessing of being asked to review BFN for the jnl of law
and society, and Habermas's analysis is at least - if not more - replete with
self-posited dualisms as Hegel's. Indeed a close comparison of Hegel's PR and
BFN would show that it is the latter which constructs legal theory issues on
the basis of fact / values, normative / empirical, idealist / realist,
interpretatativist / systemic oppositions. In Hegel's PR the issues are
developed in a far more dialectical fashion, and illustrated far more



In a message dated 24/02/98 09:06:46 GMT, you write:

 To a Hegelian, probably. But that's the thing about Hegelians: their
 problematics, especially the reduction of differences to dualistic
 oppositions. >>

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