Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 23:51:44 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: Re: HAB: Money, power, and ... images? Hello, It's been a good while since I've posted to the list, but I've been lurking, and it seems that things have gone full circle once again. The fact is that Habermas's ideal speech situation--especially as suggested in the second volume of TCA, where he addresses the rationally vs. empirically motivated distinction--perpetuates/encourages a dangerously false consciousness by denying the material/instinctual/power-based situatedness of ALL communicative action. As I've said before, disembodied reason--communicative or otherwise--is merely the flip-side of deworlded labor power. A related point: Don't all participants ALREADY KNOW that the consensus will be materially enforced? If so, the consensus is "empirically motivated" FROM THE START--only, within the Habermasian framework, no one owns up to this fact. If the consensus has any bearing on participants' fulfillment, then it is "empirically motivated", and therefore to be disparaged; if it is "rationally motivated", it has no bearing on participants' fulfillment, and therefore to be praised! I smell the mind-body split. . . . Besides, I don't know how eg. Nietzsche, Marx, or Freud--or, for that matter, Horkheimer, Adorno, or Marcuse--could take one's "Yes" seriously unless it were, to a certain extent, "empirically motivated". I've treated these themes at length in my recently published thesis, "Critical Praxeology and Praxis: A Research Program", and in a paper entitled "Culture, Tradition, and Instinct: Three Forms of Spontaneous Order and Their Place within Civil Society", which I presented at the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development in Slovenia. BTW, are there any serious Schutz scholars on this list? Erik Davis Masters Candidate, Economics California State Univ., Hayward Antti wrote: ------------------------ However, it does not seem take into account their role on that level of world-articulation that we stand on, that which we could not deconstruct without falling into nothingness. Or, put in another way, that use of images that would persist in the ideal speech situation (like certain forces of power would, too). --- from list ---
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