Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 12:26:08 +0200 Subject: Re: HAB: Money, power, and ... images? wrote: > Hello, > > It's been a good while since I've posted to the list, but I've been lurking, > and it seems that things have gone full circle once again. > > The fact is that Habermas's ideal speech situation--especially as suggested > in the second volume of TCA, where he addresses the rationally vs. > empirically motivated distinction--perpetuates/encourages a dangerously false > consciousness by denying the material/instinctual/power-based situatedness of > ALL communicative action. Could you specify where in TCA Habermas speak about ideal speech situation. I have a such clue that Habermas had already abandon the concept of ideal speech situation (ISS) in TCA ( or put aside). The fact is that Habermas doesn't the concept off ISS any more. Example in "Diskursethik- Notizen zu..." he speak about "Argumentationsvoraussetzungen" (presuppositons of argumenation; sorry, I don't have english version in vorhanden). In page 98 in this article (near footnote 69) Habermas writes that formerly he had described these "presuppositons of argumenation" as attributes of ISS, but he doesn't want to specify, revise or renew his former theory of ISS. Despite of that he feel that is right to reconstruct those symmetrical presuppositions of argumentation what every competent speaker have to fulfil if they want to participate to argumentation. Here is the original quotation: Deshalb habe ich seinerzeit versucht, die Argumentationsvoraussetzungen als Bestimmungen einer idealen Sprechsituation zu beschreiben; und der vorliegende Beitrag verdient seine Kennzeichnung als "Skize" vor allem deshalb, weil ich die fällige Präzisierung, Ausarbeitung and Revision meiner damaligen Analyse an dieser Stelle nicht vornehmen kann. Richtig Scheint mir aber nach wie vor die Intention, jene allgemeinen Symmetriebedingungen zu rekonstruiren, die jeder kompetente Sprecher, sofern er uberhaupt in eine Argumentation einzutreten meint, als hinreichend erfullt voraussetzen muss. (Diskursethik- Notizen zu einem Begrundunsprogramm; in Habermas' book Moralbewusstsein und kommunikatives Handeln, 1983, page 98-99). Rauno Huttunen University of Jyväskylä Finland --- from list ---
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