File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1998/habermas.9804, message 4

Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 14:57:06 EDT
Subject: Re: HAB: Neumann/Habermas

I am currently completing an article on Franz Neumann and his relationship to
Habermas. I am also interested in FN's involvement with OSS between 1942-46,
especially his role in preparing a war crimes brief for the Nuremberg trials.
If anyone has any useful sources (other than Katz 87/89, Heideking/Mauch 96) I
would be most interested in hearing about it. If there is any interest I could
also forward materials on. 

Neumann's attempt to use some version of immanent critique within a war crimes
context is particularly interesting to me. Also FN does seemed to have
anticipated many of Habermas's points in BFN, whilst avoiding some of the
latter's internal difficulties of transcendental grounding.

Michael Salter
Dep't of Law
Lancaster University

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