File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1998/habermas.9804, message 9

Date: 	Sun, 12 Apr 1998 06:47:28 -0400
Subject: Re: HAB: Trivia

On Sun, 12 Apr 1998 15:05:21 -0400 M.A. King wrote:

> Somewhere, I think in an interview, Habermas points out that 
"discourse *ethics*" is a misnomer, that it's actually 
concerned with morality and not ethics.  Does anyone know 
where he says this?  Obviously it's implied in everything he 
says about the distinction between morality and ethics, but I'm 
looking for the explicit statement.

In the Preface of Justification and Application 
(english trans.) Habermas says "Since then (the delivery of 
"On the Pragmatic, the Ethical, and the Moral Emplyments of 
Practical Reason" at Berkeley in 1988) it would be more 
accurate to speak of a "discourse theory of morality," but I 
retain the term "discourse ethics," which has become 
established usage.

He might talk about this in Autonomy and Solidarity but I don't 
have a specific reference at hand...

ken, who found "discourse ethics" a bit strange too....

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