File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1998/habermas.9805, message 5

Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 13:57:44 +0000
Subject: Re: HAB: paris lectures

Ken wrote:

> Does anyone know if "the paris lectures" of 1981 was the
> time/place where Gadamer and Derrida had their debate (from
> Deconstruction and Dialogue) AND where Habermas first
> delivered his material from Phil Dis of Mod?

Habermas' lectures in the Discourse were delivered in 1983 and 84. the
first four lectures were deilered in Paris, March 83, and at Cornell in
September 1984
   (See preface to Philosophical Discourse of Modernity.)

================================================================Lucky Strike  <>
Undergrad, UNH Philosophy Dept.

        "... I say 'There is nothing wrong with flogging
        people for fun.'"
                        Professor Richard M. Hare
                        University of Florida
        (from _Prescriptivism: The Structure of Ethics and Morals_)

        Carefully extricated from context by yours truly

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