Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 10:29:19 -0700 Subject: HAB: Re: Two queries Debbie Rodan's posting is exactly the kind of correspondence that this list might be seen to be primarily for. Debbie, please don't feel that such a thought-provoking posting is interrupting anything! (especially, since the most recent thread hasn't been about Habermas' work). I want to respond, but at present I'll just say that these are very good questions, and I hope that useful response from others happens. Also, I wish that Antti's outstanding contribution last month had brought some response. I have been unable to make time to respond as I've wanted to, so I've written nothing at all. But I WILL respond in detail eventually, because her "level" of address--working immanently with a text-- is most appealing. I wish that this list attracted more contributions from persons who are immanently engaged with Habermas' work. I know: I should make the time to exhibit what I want to find from others.... Best regards, Gary --- from list ---
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