Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 11:36:47 +0100 Subject: HAB: NEW VOL.: Protosociology vol. 11 1998 Dear colleagues, I would like inform you that our new vol. is published: Protosociology. In International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol. 11, 1998: Cognitive Semantics II Externalism in Debate Content Radical Interpretation, Ontology and the Structure of Language Gerhard Preyer, Michael Roth: On Donald Davidson's Philosophy: On Outline Richard Manning: All Facts Great and Small Barbara Fultner: Of Parts and Wholes: The Molecularist Critique of Semantic Holism Louis Goble: Re-Evaluating Supervaluations David Simpson: Interpretation and Skill: On Passing Theory Wulf Kellerwessel: Katz on Semantics and Pragmatics Externalism and the Individuation of Content Ron Wilburn: Knowledge, Content, and the Wellstrings of Objectivity Anthony Brueckner: Content Externalism and A Priori Knowledge Consuelo Preti: The Irrelevance of Supervenience Michael Liston: Externalist Determinants of Reference Arnold Silverberg: Semantic Externalism. A Response to Chomsky Gerhard Preyer: Interpretation and Rationality - Steps from Radical Interpretation to the Externalism of Triangulation With kindest regards, Gerhard Preyer Protosociology An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Project: Protosociology J.W. Goethe-Universitdt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Hompage im World Wide Web For your university library: Protosociology participates in POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials (, and an electronic version of the journal is available to subscribers of this service. For more information please contact the Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0189, E-mail: The Philosophy Documentation Center can also be accessed on the World Wide Web at Electronic version available: Vol. 6 1994: Rationality I - Interview with Noam Chomsky Vol. 7 1995: Structural Evolution Vol. 8/9 1996: Rationality II/III Vol. 10 1997: Cognitive Semantics I - Conceptions of Meaning Vol. 11 1998: Cognitive Semantics II - Debates on Externalism New book publication of the Project: Protosociology Gerhard Preyer Die globale Herausforderung Wie Deutschland an die Weltspitze zurueckkehren kann Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / Gabler Edition, Frankfurt am Main Gerhard Preyer (Hrsg.) Strukturelle Evolution und das Weltsystem Theorien, Sozialstruktur und evolutionaere Entwicklungen (H a l f are e n g l i s h c o n t r i b u t i o n s) Suhrkamp Verlag, Taschenbuch Wissenschaft (STW), Frankfurt am Main Protosoziologie im Kontext Lebenswelt und System in Philosophie und Soziologie (W i t h e n g l. c o n t r b u t i o n s) Kvnigshausen und Neumann, Wuerzburg As electronic version available: Gerhard Preyer Lebenswelt, System, Gesellschaft Konstruktionsprobleme der Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns von J|rgen Habermas --- from list ---
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