File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1999/habermas.9904, message 19

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 08:50:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: HAB: Other Contexts

Tim wrote:

So Robs question seems quite reasonable: "Does Habermas confine 'communicative action' to the scope of 'citizens' (eg rather than 'humans') as a way of trying to approximate 'those who might reasonably be expected to
 share communicative competence in the context of any particular communicative episode'?"

He does not "confine" the application of communicative action, but HIS professional concern as I stated before is socio-political. But there are others who have appropriated the Habermasian idea for other communicative contexts. 

Check out what Robert Young is doing with the idea of communicative action in the context of education. Robert E. Young "A Critical Theory of Education" Teacher's College Press, Columbia University: New York, 1990.

regards, Harry


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