File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_1999/habermas.9904, message 20

Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 11:56:10 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
Subject: Re: HAB: Re: Re: Citizens and Communication

Brian (et al):  This last November I attended a conference in
Amsterdam devoted to the topic of Honneth's paper, then in
typescript.  My discourse ethics-informed reaction to it can be
found at

Any comments would be most welcome.



On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Brian Caterino wrote:

> ... However, in response to Harry's point the claim that
> Habermas conception of deliberation is primarily or exclusive
> political has found it way into the scholarly debate. No less
> than Axel Honneth has made this claim in a recent article in
> Political Theory which is primarily devoted to Dewey as an
> alternative to Habermas' excessively "political" conception of
> discourse.  (Democracy as Reflexive Cooperation: John Dewey
> and the Theory of Democracy Today) in Political Theory vol. 26
> no 6 December 1988) I think Honneth's thesis is not well
> founded partly for reasons I allude above, and partly in
> agreement with Harry's notion that communicative freedom has
> to apply to all aspects of social life. However, if anyone
> wants to look at the Honneth article and discuss it perhaps it
> might prove interesting. perhaps some of you will see aspects
> I missed. 
> Brian Caterino

| Stephen Chilton, Associate Professor, Dept of Pol Science 
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|  they fight you.  Then you win."
| 	-- Gandhi

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