File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2000/habermas.0006, message 17

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:29:37 -0700
Subject: HAB: On Brandom and Habermas

Dear Listmembers:

Thanks to Paireia for the Habermas article. Just a couple of remarks. This
text is a review by Habermas of the German translation of Robert Brandom's
__Making it Explicit__. The review is fairly elemental, even if it betrays
a kind of giddiness on the part of Habermas because here we have an US.
philosopher, from the Analytic Tradition, rediscovering Pragmatism and Hegel.

Curiously, Wolfgang Welsch is also equally excited by this turn of
development in the US. See the article by Welsch in Information
Philosophie, available on line at:

Look under Archiv.

Also, a longer piece by Habermas on Brandon is to be found in his new book
__Truth and Justification__, See also The European Journal of Philosophy,
Vol 7, No.2 (1999). This number of the journal contains the papers that
were presented at a conference where Habermas, Brandom, Pippin, Rorty, et.
al. participated.

Eduardo Mendieta
Assistant Professor
Philosophy Department
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

Tel: (415) 422-6313
Fax: (415) 422-2346

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