File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2000/habermas.0006, message 27

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 17:50:58 -0400
Subject: HAB: Brandom review

Eduardo Mendieta recently offered a review of Habermas' review of the German 
translation of _Making It Explicit_, which I must say is an excellent book. I 
found it interesting that in the review Habermas makes praiseworthy reference 
to Wilfrid Sellars. I have noticed great similarities between Habermas and 
Sellars for a few years now, but I was unaware that Habermas was that familiar 
with Sellars' work. I have never seen any references to Sellars in Habermas' 
writings, does anyone know of any? It would be interesting to look into.

Thanks for your help

Arnold Smith
Philosophy Lecturer
Cuyahoga Community College

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