Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 15:03:46 -0500 (Central Daylight Time) Subject: HAB: That dratted lifeworld Never mind about colonization of the lifeworld -- let's go directly for its extermination! Steve The text below is taken from an October 2000 brochure from Praeger Publishers on _Subsistence and Economic Development_ by Ronald E. Seavoy, "a Professor in the Department of Business Economics and Public Policy, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington. In addition, Professor Seavoy is a consulting exploration geologist with extensive experience in the developing world." Here's what the blurb says: "In this penetrating study of a problem of global importance, Seavoy insists that development economics is a failed discipline because it does not recognize the revolutionary difference between subsistence and commercial social values. Seavoy demonstrates that commercial labor norms are essential for producing assured food surpluses in all crop years and that an assured food surplus is essential for sustaining the development process. The commercialization of food production is a political process, as in the term political economy. **If peasants have a choice, Seavoy shows through historical case studies, they will not voluntarily adopt commercial labor norms. Central governments must overcome peasant resistance to performing commercial labor norms by various forms of coercion, including what has historically been most effective: depriving peasants of control of land use by foreclosure and eviction for excessive subsistence debts.** Coercion is most effective when it is linked to money rewards for peasants who voluntarily transform themselves into yeoman cultivators or farmers." [Emphasis supplied] ************************************************************* | Stephen Chilton, Associate Professor, Dept of Pol Science | Univ of Minnesota-Duluth / Duluth, MN 55812-2496 / USA | | 218-726-8162/7534 FAX: 726-6386 Home: 724-6833 (home) | EMAIL: | | "In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already | ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for | ourselves. | - Thomas Carlyle (courtesy of Roger Fossum) ************************************************************* --- from list ---
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