File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2001/habermas.0101, message 44

From: "matthew piscioneri" <>
Subject: HAB: Critical sociology
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 10:04:51 

Hello Jeanne,

First, glad you stopped lurking. The more voices the better.

>My hesitation
>to speak until now was based on my not being a philosopher.

Kelley's right. There is a wide range of contributor backgrounds which is 
suitable given JH's interests.

>Please, Ken and matt, may I include your last
>exchange on that site, so that our students can see the patterns they are
>following as similar to yours?  Right down to the emoticons! And how
>exciting it would be for them, as it was for me, to see that we sometimes
>even talk about the same people and issues, albeit at a more concrete and
>less sophisticated level.

Fine by me. It is - I agree - a real bonus when some levity creeps into the 
list. And to do with your comments in the following post about contributing, 
fire away! I still get a genuine buzz from the generosity of contributors to 
this list. It's a very focussed ( sometimes confronting) community of 


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