File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2001/habermas.0111, message 16

Subject: HAB: Adorno & Habermas
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 09:43:29 

Dear List,

I realise this may be old hat to many on the List, but I am seeking 
participants in a dialogue about the development of Habermas's reaction 
to/reconstruction of Adorno's work in particular; although this will 
necessarily broach Horkheimer's co-authorship of the _DoE_.

The thesis I am trying to explicate is that a shift occurred between  JH's 
theoretical relationship to Adorno's (and Horkheimer's) work between the 
1960s and 1970s (more reconstructive and continuous) to the more rhetorical 
stance (irruptive) introduced in the _TCA_ and especially in the 
_Philosophical Discourse of Modernity_.

It is useful to contrast his *overt* views in _PDM_ with the *covert* views 
expressed in the interviews collected in Dews' _Autonomy & Solidarity_.



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