Subject: HAB: Kant & Luhmann Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 12:53:50 Dear Iver, This post is to modestly recognize what I sense are the sentiments expressed in your post. The Habermas/Luhmann *conflict* can - I think - be considered almost as a lovers' tiff.... :-) As my supervisor explained to me recently, too often you *hate* the ones you *love* !!! I think this can also be applied to the Habermas/Foucault *conflict*. As well as the Habermas/Derrida *problem*. There is a great deal of common ground between ALL of these theoretical combatants that it almost brings into disrepute the notion that theoretical discourse ( as against everyday discourse) is capable of realizing understanding/agreement. The tiresome Leninist/Trotskyist et al scholasticisms spring to mind! Still; I guess that's the nature of the beast ;-) It is reassuring that critical theory/emancipatory reason is so devoted to alleviating the problems human kind faces...otherwise we would all be out of a job. Anyway, to attempt to deal with the overt point of your post; only the most resilient pre-1970s Habermasian would fail to see the *concessions that JH has made to systems theory in _BFN_. However, and this is where I think we diverge, the systems model Habermas employs in _BFN_ continues to reject central theses of Luhmann's autopoietic model and relies instead on a fairly *crusty* mechanical/cybernetic systems model ( just the ones I like!!!). JH is explicit in _BFN_. What explodes closed social subsystems (a la Luhmann) is the medium of ordinary language. JH holds onto this distinction tenaciously, although - as you correctly point out - the emphasis upon *communication* as the crucial currency of the social ontology is to a degree shared. There are other significant rhetorical differences of course. JH regards Luhmann's analysis as *still* drawing upon a basic metabiological metaphor. Yet - I would suggest - JH has NEVER come to proper terms about what place/function the biological stratum has in his own theory construction. At the risk of delivering my own stream of consciousness about several related matters I will close. Nice to hear from you Iver. Trust your research is progressing well. Cheers, MattP. _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at --- from list ---
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