File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2001/habermas.0111, message 20

Subject: Re: HAB: Adorno & Habermas
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 13:12:38 

Dear Ken,

Thanks for the reply. I will seek out the _TELOS_ article you mention to 
background myself

>The question that looms largest here is the
>status of the idea of emancipation.

Couldn't agree with you more

>With regards to Habermas's relationship with Adorno, Robert Hullot-Kentor
>has speculated that there is some sort of Oedipal rivalry going on,
>although that might be a biographical insight irrelevant to the theoretical
>issues at stake.
>Hullot-Kentor, Robert
>      1989       "Back to Adorno" Telos 81, 5-29.
>     1992        "Notes on Dialectic of Enlightenment: Translating the
>Odysseus Essay" New German Critique 56, 101-108.
>The transition has also been discussed by Martin Morris in his excellent
>book Rethinking the Communicative Turn: Adorno, Habermas, and the Problem
>of Communicative Freedom (2001).

What's funny Ken is that after posting the initial message I thought about 
material I have recently read, and wondered whether Habermas was attempting 
to hold on to earlier Ardornoesque motifs more vigorously than Adorno ended 
up doing in _Negative Dialectics_. I.E more Adorno than Adorno ;-)

I will attempt to be more precise next reply except to say that Adorno's 
critical/emancipatory *escape route* via aesthetics is put to one side by 
Habermas who *continues* to insist on the *emancipatory* potential of a 
dialectic rooted in communicative practices (or something like that).

How are you characterizing the Adorno/Habermas relationship?

Best Regards,


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