File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2001/habermas.0111, message 40

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 17:32:48 -0600
Subject: HAB: Speech by Juergen Habermas accepting the Peace Prize of the

I was sent a copy of Habermas's speech that appeared in Sueddeutsche 
Zeitung and I wanted to share it with the list.  However, the article is 
too long to be sent as e-mail.  If you would like to receive a copy, let me 
know, and I can send a copy to you, either as e-mail text or as an 

Below is the URL of the original article.

Jerry Shepperd
Speech by Juergen Habermas accepting the Peace Prize of the German 
Publishers and Booksellers Association
Paulskirche, Frankfurt, 14 October 2001

Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 15 October 2001


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