Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 08:47:54 -0400 Subject: HAB: "In"-formation and Distance Implosion --Boundary_(ID_SZn7cyabQDYTPPjnxizGMQ) "We now know too much to be strangers to each other. For example in the age of information explosion, all walls go out between age groups, between family groups, national groups, between economies. The walls all go out. People suddenly have to adjust themselves to this new proximity, this new interrelationship, and merely to tell them this has happened isn't very helpful. What they need to know is, if it is happening, what does it mean to me?" Originally: "McLuhan on McLuhanism." WNDT Educational board Broadcasting Network. 1966. Quoted in: _Forward Through the Rear View Mirror_. Edited P. Benedetti and N. De Hart. 1997 p. 40 The age of print was the age of spacial extension and the privatizing, categorical 'distance' of 'the eye's I'. The higher information frequency of electronic media effects a reversal of this movement and our world is now imploding. For good or ill "their" problems (or 'there' problems) are becoming "our" problems (or 'hear' problems). We know too much.. and we can't shut our ears. --t --Boundary_(ID_SZn7cyabQDYTPPjnxizGMQ)