File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2002/habermas.0206, message 15

Subject: Re: HAB: Re: Re: THEORY & PRACTICE
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 09:14:23 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Dumain" <>

> My objection is that Habermas appears to be even more schizoid than the
> first Frankfurter generation.  Marcuse, Horkheimer, et al never understood
> the first thing about scientific idealization or the nature of the natural
> sciences.  They seem to have adopted this reactionary view of technology
> inherited from lebensphilosophie.  But Habermas is even worse.  He gather
> together fragments from the notions of empirical-analytic, technological
> rationality, pragmatism, Weber, Kant, intersubjectivity, etc.--he takes
> worst, most conservative aspects of each of these strains of thought and
> amalgamates them into a diversified structure that betrays an excessive
> incorporation of his intellectual being in the alienated structures of
> bourgeois philosophical and social scientific thought.  It's not that I
> believe in the unity of theory and practice--the unity of theory would be
> enough.

This is exactly opposite his intention...

> Perhaps I can clarify this better later.

That would be great, I'm not following you above, i.e.. I don't see it.


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