File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2002/habermas.0206, message 34

Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 02:08:04 -0400
Subject: Re: HAB: Sharon/mossad and US foreign policy

First of all, how can you be so *un*critical of the other you purport 
to defend? What exactly is your knowledge of Saddam or Iraq? The 
blame-U.S. a priority of your negative reasoning is apparent enough, 
but is there any -positive- reason at work regarding Hussein as a 
target of the big bad meany's 'contempt for law and reason'? Or is 
this just willful-ignorance on your part? The U.S. "barbarism" in 
"full light" as you describe only obviates a militant refusal to turn 
and examine barbarism anywhere else.

And wouldn't it be more responsible to see "murder qua foreign 
policy" having -become- the implicit understanding and a 
self-perpetuating dichotomy -between- Palestinians and Israel? An 
-infinite loop- of "you started!!" Where the question is not in who's 
lap to properly lay blame, but to ask "who possesses the moral fiber 
to stop passing the buck?" This seems -the rational- question to 

Amazingly, Arafat has been assured U.S. support for building the 
State of Palestine, all he has to do to get the process unfolding is 
-stop the suicide-.


>In the latest spectacular zionist conquest of US polity, the Bush team has
>confirmed the report of its opting for hit squads and homocide for dealing
>with its enemies.   For sure, murder qua foreign policy is not original with
>Sharon or Bush, but the ideological contradiction, the implicit contempt for
>law, reason, civilized praxis, seems rather more than ever shockingly
>forthright (... not to mention  the abject pauperism,
>spiritual/intellectual, it signifies for the likes of
>powell/rice/rumsfeld/wolfowitz/cheney/tenet,...and the vaunted institutions
>and traditions of Western governance).
>Clearly the transcendental dialectic with Power is all too anemic in these
>times.  Without feeling the least need for shame it is exposing in full
>light the barbarism of its unmitigated anatomy.
>...change places, and handy-dandy, which is Saddam & and which Bush, eh?
>      --- from list ---

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