File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2002/habermas.0206, message 49

Subject: Re: HAB: Re: FWD: islamaar: Habermas back from in Iran (Interview)(fwd)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 15:21:34 -0400

    half the time i agree with that historico-maturation narrative, but the
"secularization" stage which is our own (ie, habermas') particular destiny
seems notably barren of grace and hope, no? oblivion, a nietzschean
herd, a bitterly ironic peripety of "that dawn in which it was bliss...",
newtonian/kantian aufklarung, a keeping-the-faith of nothing, an earnest of
no thing soteriological;...and t'other half, i think spengler/becket is
right.  But either way,...who would have the heart to wish this on
the-other,, unless it be in its countervaling form, communism, a la the
old frankfurt'rs,...whereat i don't at all percieve, as in this interview,
jh keeping the faith.


----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas McDonald <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: HAB: Re: FWD: islamaar: Habermas back from in Iran

> bob,
> I wholeheartedly empathize with your critique of "nihilist"
> Occidental secularism, but these negative aspects are perhaps yet
> part of the growing pangs of humanity's adolescence, immature
> expressions of nascent freedom. After all, it is Habermas's stated
> mission to reject a turning backward (even to endearing childhood
> 'innocence'), to keep faith in the project of Enlightenment. Perhaps
> Islam can learn from Western mistakes and develop a healthier
> sacred/secular balance and a more successful version of modernity.
> --tom

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