Subject: HAB: solidarity Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 00:06:51 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. dear listers, the thot of what a world would be like ruled by bush and sharon troubles the sleep. today, as empire, steered by a faction of deluded brain-trust'ers, chicken-hawks, zionists, house-niggers, and whores (contemplating such deeds as they presently are, these types deserve no consideration from etiquette), wheels into position to again smash a helpless state with another remote application of military ordnance of near unimaginable ferocity, on the way to emasculating an entire culture to pliant subjection and globalization, we rise in protest in the name of morality, law, and sanity. not at all our democratic representative, these are the agent of a parasitic plutocracy battened on the state; illegitimate and deeply inimical to our general society. the pathologic geo- pretensions of this corporate-gangster-scum usurping our governance requires to be morally resisted with some urgency. Let us join with the people world-over this week-end denouncing the mind-numbing cruelty about to be inflicted on iraq and the people of the middle-east by our banal rulers: not in our name! bob
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