File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0301, message 15

Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:53:01 -0500
Subject: Re: HAB: solidarity

Matthew, Gary, and Shitz are the most useless individuals who have ever 
populated this list, both intellectually and politically.  The undertone of 
the cynical sectarian thirdworldist mentality of Shitz is fascistic, and 
symptomatizes the utter uselessness of the entire left.  Gary is a 
delusional reactionary and Matthew is an utterly bewildered intellectual 
eunuch.  But Shitz is a crypto-fascist.  And what good does any of this do 
for Habermas, including the liberation of what's useful in Habermas from 
(1) the constraints of a dying liberalism, (2) irrationalist anti-modern 
intellectual guerilla warfare,  (3) institutionalized bourgeois 
intellectual life?

Re house niggers, also apropos viz the recent remarks of Harry Belafonte: 
whether or not black Republicans are house niggers is an obsolete 
ideological issue.  From a psychological standpoint, Clarence Thomas 
probably is one, Colin Powell and Condoleeza probably aren't, but that 
issue is now obsolete and irrelevant.  Black conservatives are now in a 
position to be considered scum in their own right as they deserve, without 
having to be assumed to be subservient, although they are indeed racially 
exploited by their fascist masters.  The degeneration of the American 
ruling class to irrational barbarism is mirrored in the desperate 
exhaustion of the left, which itself is reduced to an irrationalist 
counterculture in the USA (as is most embarrassingly evident with Pacifica 

While I agree that the impending assault on Iraq is the lowest form of 
fascist barbarism that the America government has ever conceived, I don't 
see much use in debating it here unless some real connection with the 
purpose of this list can be discerned.  The most obvious connection is that 
the Bush administration, like Hitler's, is the utmost antithesis of 
communicative rationality.  It is rule by pure intimidation.  The rationale 
behind it is so hollow nobody really believes in it.  It succeeds only 
because the American people have been so demoralized they are completely numb.

What do you Habermasians have to say about this?  Nothing.  You are 
completely useless.

At 12:23 PM 1/20/2003 -0500, Archie Tektonix wrote:
> > today, as empire, steered by a faction of deluded brain-trust'ers,
> > chicken-hawks, zionists, house-niggers [snip]
>I've never had much use for the histrionics with which you pollute this
>list and clog my inbox.  But this takes the cake.  If you were black,
>you'd just be a simpleton for implying that a black republican must
>automatically be a house nigger.  But as a white man (the only Scheetz
>anyone in my community is familiar with are white and come accessorized
>with pointed hoods), you've got some gall (a) to presume to know who is
>'really' black, and (b) to use a word that can only sound ugly coming from
>your lips.  Please take your delusions elsewhere.
>jay murray

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