File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0301, message 29

Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 01:52:06 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: HAB: solidarity

*Sigh*.  I take no pleasure in continuing on this subject, but since you
seem so determined to call a spade a spade (and get off on it in the

> I didn't imply "that a black republican must automatically be a house
> nigger".  Condi Rice has admitted getting her Stanford job over better
> qualified applicants by virtue of her negritude.  At the same time she
> volubly supports (i saw her on Meet the Press) her prez's amicus v
> Michigan on its affirmative action admissions policy.

Seems plausibly consistent (and human) to me:  one could conceivably
accept the personal benefits that accrue from affirmative action while
harboring doubts about the justice of such policies.  Just because *you*
don't harbor the same doubts doesn't automatically make it self-hate.

> And with Colin Powell the case is even more stark, fronting once again
> for another Massa Bush massacre of another group (Iraq/Palestine/Islam)
> of intractable niggers.

That's a nice double standard.  There are strong differences of opinion on
various policy topics in the Bush Administration (e.g., N.  Korea);
eventually, however, a direction is chosen and the dissenters are expected
to present a united front.  But only Powell gets called an Uncle Tom--or
worse by you, but as I've already implied, I think you just relish the
chance to call black people (among others) 'niggers' while pretending it's
all for a good cause.

> sorry,
> bob

If that's an apology, I don't buy it.  If it's a self-description, I can
only agree.


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