File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0301, message 30

Subject: Re: HAB: solidarity
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 23:12:18 -0500

     Your arguments, as I'm sure you yourself recognize, are too weak to
bother with, ...obviously the whole pt was the ralph style  "get off on"
insult, ... which is kinda strange coming one of such express high
moral tone, ... but since it affords occasion for clarifying
intentionality i'll just go ahead and use your foul mouth to get it off.
     The pt of the expression of solidarity was not discussion but, like in
the old camp meetins, testify'n.  As a citizen of the world i want it noted
that while gwb & co can and do confiscate a significant fraction of my
labor to turn to military account for purposes of securing and extending the
empire, I know what mistah kurtz do, and they do it against my will.  So my
solidarity statement is a kind of democratic free expression.  Much opposite
to the fraudulent dumb shows, elections,  which the power structure so
complaisantly advertises to the clueless of the world.  This power is still
here on the web for the taking.  Really
ought to be flogged for all it's worth to counter the lies and baboon-ery of
power, ...or anyway, the least one can do.  bob

----- Original Message -----
From: Archie Tektonix <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: HAB: solidarity

> *Sigh*.  I take no pleasure in continuing on this subject, but since you
> seem so determined to call a spade a spade (and get off on it in the
> process):
> > I didn't imply "that a black republican must automatically be a house
> > nigger".  Condi Rice has admitted getting her Stanford job over better
> > qualified applicants by virtue of her negritude.  At the same time she
> > volubly supports (i saw her on Meet the Press) her prez's amicus v
> > Michigan on its affirmative action admissions policy.
> Seems plausibly consistent (and human) to me:  one could conceivably
> accept the personal benefits that accrue from affirmative action while
> harboring doubts about the justice of such policies.  Just because *you*
> don't harbor the same doubts doesn't automatically make it self-hate.
> > And with Colin Powell the case is even more stark, fronting once again
> > for another Massa Bush massacre of another group (Iraq/Palestine/Islam)
> > of intractable niggers.
> That's a nice double standard.  There are strong differences of opinion on
> various policy topics in the Bush Administration (e.g., N.  Korea);
> eventually, however, a direction is chosen and the dissenters are expected
> to present a united front.  But only Powell gets called an Uncle Tom--or
> worse by you, but as I've already implied, I think you just relish the
> chance to call black people (among others) 'niggers' while pretending it's
> all for a good cause.
> > sorry,
> > bob
> If that's an apology, I don't buy it.  If it's a self-description, I can
> only agree.
> jay
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