File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0301, message 5

Subject: HAB: Foucault's critical project and Habermas Foucault debate
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 04:15:42 +0000

Is anybody reading or have already read Beatrice Han's Foucault's Critical 
Project: Between the transcednetnal and the historical? The book was 
published back in 1998 in French but english version has just come out. 
Havent read it yet but on intitial borowsing (and with some prior 
information about its content) seems interesting. Two things strike me at 
once. One is its emphasis on Kantian heritage of Foucault and  the other its 
the consideration of transcendetnal theme in Foucault as central. Back in 
1996 I had written my masters dissertation on similar themes and am 
interested in this aspect of Foucault since then. I would very much like to 
share with others interested in similar themes.

Also I am looking to initiate a discussion regarding Foucault's conception 
of ontology and epistemology and their relation in the context of his 
overall thought. I think this topic is closely related to Foucault's 
relation with Kant and his conception of transcendence.

I am currently working on a comparative study about Foucault and Habermas 
based on their respective conception of epistemology and ontology and would 
like to get in touch with anybody out there interested in this or related 
themes. Normally Habermas and Focuault are considered very different and at 
times thinkers at war against each other. But there are close affinities 
nevertheless which I think are worth pursuing not with the aim of levelling 
differences but with the aim of understanding divergences and convergences 
that constitute our present.

Best regards
and happy new year to all listers.


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