File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0305, message 25

Subject: HAB: more Habermas stuff
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 13:16:23 -0400

German philosopher and sociologist Juergen Habermas has won the Prince of
Asturias Prize for Social Science. Prize committee chairperson, Manuel
Fraga, underlined Mr Habermas's work as an example of cosmopolitan and
humanist knowledge and as a classic in the field of social sciences and
philosophy. Mr Habermas, born in 1929, is considered one of the main
representatives of the Frankfurt School of social philosophy and has been
called the philosopher of Modernism. He was criticised for his support of
the bombing in Afghanistan, but this year strongly opposed to the war in
Iraq. Speaking to a TVE correspondent in Berlin, Mr Habermas criticised all
forms of nationalism and terrorist violence, in a reference to the troubles
in the Basque region of northern Spain. Habermas also confirmed he will
travel to Oviedo to receive the award, which he considers the Spanish
world's equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

Prince of Asturias Award goes to German philosopher
German philosopher and social theorist Jürgen Habermas has won the
prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences. The distinction,
worth $57,500, is often called the Nobel Prize of Spain. Habermas is a
leading representative of the so-called "Frankfurt School." This school of
thought developed at the Institute for Social Research founded in Frankfurt,
Germany, in 1923. It introduced a style of analysis known as critical
theory, which draws on the ideas of German political philosopher Karl Marx
in its studies of the sources of domination and authority in society that
restrict human freedom. The works of Habermas have been translated into over
20 languages and figure amongst the classics of contemporary thought.,3367,1430_A_867819_1_A,00.html

Here's a review of an English translation of Otfried Hoeffe's Categorical
Principles of Law, which has a chapter on Habermas:

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