Subject: Re: [HAB:] HAB: Germans vs. those Americans [the whole thing] Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 17:06:44 -0400 Gary, Thanks so much for your many incisive messages. I have many Habermas threads saved in my word file, though I'll be surprised if I ever get to them. I take on pieces of JH's work from time to time and am finally at the point where I can follow the drift of TCA (the portions that I've read) and BFN. I still get blown away by the density of Legitimation Crisis, though his latter work seems to be more accessible. In any event, you've mentioned his newer text, Truth and Justification a couple times. I realize that you're going to discuss that book in more depth later, but am wondering if you can give us a little 3-4 paragraph description at this time. BTW, I echo what you're saying about the experts not posting or even acknowledging the list. That seems to be common, which is too bad, to say the least given the depth of probing and provocative interchange that I'm finding on 5-6 lists in three fields. What I haven't seen much yet is much creative use of list archives which could result in some interesting mediating texts to help bridge the chasm. George Demetrion Regards, George Demetrion --- StripMime Warning -- MIME attachments removed --- This message may have contained attachments which were removed. Sorry, we do not allow attachments on this list. --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative text/plain (text body -- kept) text/html --- --- from list ---
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