Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 08:20:34 EST Subject: Re: [HAB:] What makes a human right universal? In a message dated 11/23/2003 12:54:25 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: Seems correct. However the crucial question is what makes one 'organisation' better than the other. That human rights are universalisable (which they obviously are) is one question, whether they represent true universals is another question. The question of truth cannot be avoided and Habermas knows it. Well I suppose "better" depends on pragmatic, aesthetic, and justness criteria but each person's organization is probably quasi-determined by their experience. The universalisable-ness of human rights is unquestionable but their universalization will take time for the competence-performance adjustment in social contexts. The validity of the universals will depend on this adjustment, otherwise we will be left with mere ideals. Fred --- StripMime Warning -- MIME attachments removed --- This message may have contained attachments which were removed. Sorry, we do not allow attachments on this list. --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --- multipart/alternative text/plain (text body -- kept) text/html --- --- from list ---
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