File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0311, message 28

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 22:01:44 EST
Subject: Re: [HAB:] What makes a human right universal?

In a message dated 11/23/2003 8:50:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
How you demarcate morality from validity for example? 
And btw it is a big presupposition to make unless you are defining morality 
and rationality in terms of human rights.
Rationality is certainly a matter of human rights, equal human rights.  The 
demarcation between morality and validity is that morality is a given dilemma 
that we face as part of our human condition and validity is the making of a 
judgment about the quality of our moral decisions.  Morality as fairness or 
morality as respect or even the problem of 'why be moral'
is beyond the more practical problem of compliance with moral obligations for 
the sake of extrinsic/intrinsic rewards.  This discussion of motivation is 
certainly relevant but distinct from the validity judgments of moral decisions 
or what qualifies these decisions.  


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