File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2003/habermas.0311, message 5

Subject: Re: [HAB:] What makes a human right universal?
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 01:56:39 +0000

Gary/ Ralph,

great musings. Oddly enough (not odd at all really) a universalistic 
morality (egalitarian and compassionate) just seems OBVIOUS ...difficult to 
explain or justify...can you have a *rational* moral feeling?

In _J&A_ in the concluding discussion with Kai Nielsen Habermas discusses 
moral feelings. Argues they sensitise us to a moral issue prior to processes 
of *necessary* rational justification.

What I am getting at is more the almost commonsense rationality of realizing 
for a universalistic morality: it's like the logical conclusion of thinking 
about the (social) world.

Anyway, enjoying the thread. Thanks.


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