Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 21:06:40 -0800 (PST) Subject: [HAB:] Neoprogressivism: A New Agenda for Social Democracy _The Progressive Manifesto_, edited by Anthony Giddens (Polity Press, 2003), provides an outstanding practical complement to Habermas's theoretical politics. In his long "Introduction," Giddens provides a brilliant, comprehensive platform for going beyond Third Way politics, in terms of the main ideas of the contributors to the anthology. This essay alone is worth the price of the book; it's truly a manifesto worth taking to heart. His discourse is so exemplary, to my mind, of how we should be *realistically* thinking about politics, in light of Habermasian considerations of theory. Giddens provides the economic correlate that Habermas' cosmopolitan politics lacks. I've provided a downloadable edition of Giddens' essay. Read this. (In his discussion, uncited references to others are to the contributors of the anthology.) The PDF document 400K+, sorry dial-up folks; but the 34-page chapter in the book is only 21 pages here. "Neoprogressivism: A New Agenda for Social Democracy" Gary --- from list ---
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