File spoon-archives/habermas.archive/habermas_2004/habermas.0403, message 21

Subject: Re: [HAB:] detranscendantalization [Matt]
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 03:28:33 +0000


The point about individuation through sociation or socialisation is clear. 
As far back as in his afterwards to Knowledge and Human Interest in reply to 
Bubner's objection that intersubjectivity was merely subjectivity writ large 
he said pretty similar things.

What was radical in Bernstein is saying this in conjunction with the notion 
of "our dialogical being in the world". The question then becomes 
transformed from merely epistemological one (KHI?) to sociological one (TCA) 
to ontological one (in and around and post BFN??).

I do not say that Bernstein’s interpretation is TOO radical simply because 
there is no follow up (or I do not know if there is one). McCarthy and 
Kenneth Baynes and other pro-Hegelian interpreters of Habermas have said 
similar things. Perhaps Bernstein stands out among all because he is more 
'naive' [and I am saying this as praise!!].

Best Regards


----Original Message Follows----
From: "matthew piscioneri" <>
Reply-To: habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
To: habermas-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: Re: [HAB:] detranscendantalization
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 01:30:36 +0000


I don't take Bernstein's comments as TOO radical an interpretation of 
Habermas's position. He is probably working with a fairly broad 
understanding of *communicative action*; more a generalized, lifeworldly one 
rather than a specific situated event-type conception.

In _PMT_ (I think...) Habermas's discussion of Mead focuses on the issue of 
individualization via socialization and I think this is the type of Habermas 
which Bernstein is referring to.

best regards,


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